The Magic Of Twitter

September 22nd, 2008 · 1 Comment

Twitter holds an interesting place in the current Internet pantheon. Everyone uses it, but no-one is sure it isn’t a complete waste of time. It seems to be a guilty pleasure in the Internet social networking buffet. However I contend it is the most purely useful of the social networking sites.

We’ve written before about the importance of relationship building. I think that quite simply it is one of the key differentiators between success and failure in any space. If you can make some kind of collaborative work relationship with the right people you can succeed. However making those relationships can be very difficult.

Twitter gives us a chance to simplify the hardest part. I quite frequently send e-mails to bloggers or website owners to see if we can collaborate. Unfortunately that e-mail basically boils down to “Hey will you be my friend?” It’s hard to phrase that in a way to not sound desperate and give the impression that you have value to bring to the table. Twitter helps brush all of that out of the way.

When you join Twitter you have people who you “follow” and people who “follow you.” So basically as soon as you join you can just start “following” people who are in your space. Almost no one has so many twitter “friends” that they don’t notice a new follower, so they come check you out. Usually if they like you they follow you back, and bingo! You’ve skipped the whole uncomfortable “can we be friends” phase.

This lets you get down to immediately starting to “vet” each other and see if you can “take the relationship further.” I know all this metaphorical language sounds creepy, which is exactly why Twitter is so useful. You don’t have to figure out a way to approach people without being creepy, which, sadly, is not easy for me.

Categories: Applied Use · Main blog narrative

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1 response so far ↓

  • Shilpa Panchmatia | Jul 2, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    I continue to be amazed by the uptake with Twitter, when it first launched we laughed at the sillyness of knowing what people were doing- rapidly it has become a useful business tool. I still think the magic is yet to appear.

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